Bright futures handouts

BRIGHT FUTURES HANDOUT PARENT 5 AND 6 YEAR VISITS Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family. American Academy of Pediatrics STAYING HEALTHY Help your child brush his teeth twice a day After breakfast Before bed Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste with ßuoride. your growing and changing body s"rushyourteethtwiceadayandmossonce aday s6isitthedentisttwiceayear s7earyourmouthguardwhenplayingsports s%at healthymealsaday

Physical Growth and Development Your Growing and Changing Body Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Visit the dentist twice a year. Wear your  Talking and Hearing. • Read and sing to your child often. • Talk about and describe pictures in books. • Use simple words with your child. • Tell your child the  Stay involved in your community. Join activities when you can. ▫ If you are worried about your living or food situation, talk with us. Community agencies and  Staying Healthy. • Encourage your child to eat healthy. • Buy fat-free milk and low -fat dairy foods, and encourage 3 servings each day. • Include 5 servings of  Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family Encouraging Literacy Activities Reading and Talking With Your Child   Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family. How Your Family Is Doing Take time for yourself. Take time together  

Bright Futures Patient Handout Early Adolescent Visits. Your Growing and Changing Child • Talk with your child about how her body is changing with puberty. • Encourage your child to brush his teeth twice a day and floss once a day. • Help your child get to the dentist twice a

Your Daily Life • Visit the dentist at least twice a year. • Protect your hearing at work, home, and concerts. • Eat a variety of healthy foods. Bright Futures Patient Handout 7 and 8 Year Visits SCHOOL SAFETY ORAL HEALTH NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL HEALTH. Staying Healthy • Eat together often as a family. • Start every day with breakfast. • Buy fat-free milk and low-fat dairy foods, and BRIGHT FUTURES HANDOUT PARENT 5 AND 6 YEAR VISITS Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family. American Academy of Pediatrics STAYING HEALTHY Help your child brush his teeth twice a day After breakfast Before bed Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste with ßuoride. your growing and changing body s"rushyourteethtwiceadayandmossonce aday s6isitthedentisttwiceayear s7earyourmouthguardwhenplayingsports s%at healthymealsaday BRIGHT FUTURES HANDOUT PARENT 12 MONTH VISIT Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family. American Academy of Pediatrics ESTABLISHING ROUTINES Praise your child when he does what you ask him to do. Use short and simple rules for your child. Bright Futures Patient Handout 7 and 8 Year Visits SCHOOL SAFETY ORAL HEALTH NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY DEVELOPMENT AND MENTAL HEALTH. For us to provide your child with the best possible health care, we would like to know how things are going. Please circle Yes or No for each question. Thank you.

Bright Futures Patient Handout Early Adolescent Visits. Your Growing and Changing Child • Talk with your child about how her body is changing with puberty. • Encourage your child to brush his teeth twice a day and floss once a day. • Help your child get to the dentist twice a

Parent and patient handouts from the Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit, 2nd Edition, address key information for health supervision care from infancy  The following PowerPoint Presentations are available for your use and customization when making presentations about Bright Futures. These slides can be  Bright Futures Guidelines provides a common framework for well-child care from Visit Documentation Forms, Parent/Patient Education Handouts, and family 

BRIGHT FUTURES HANDOUT PARENT 5 AND 6 YEAR VISITS Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family. American Academy of Pediatrics STAYING HEALTHY Help your child brush his teeth twice a day After breakfast Before bed Use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste with ßuoride.

The following PowerPoint Presentations are available for your use and customization when making presentations about Bright Futures. These slides can be  Bright Futures Guidelines provides a common framework for well-child care from Visit Documentation Forms, Parent/Patient Education Handouts, and family  documentation forms, and patient handouts in the Guidelines were the Core Tools most commonly used in their practices. Bright Futures Guidelines is flexible   NOTE: The Bright Futures Parent/Patient Educational Handouts not available for review or reference at this time. The new Bright Futures Tool and Resource Kit,  Getting Ready for School. • Ask your child to tell you about her day, friends, and activities. • Read books together each day and ask your child questions about  Staying Healthy. • Eat together often as a family. • Start every day with breakfast. • Buy fat-free milk and low-fat dairy foods, and encourage 3 servings each day. Your Talking Child. • Talk about and describe pictures in books and the things you see and hear together. • Parent-child play, where the child leads, is the best 

Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family. Parental Well-Being How You Are Feeling Call us for help if you feel  

Bright Futures is a national health promotion and prevention initiative, led by the American Academy of Pediatrics and supported, in part, by the US Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) , Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) Bright Futures Patient Handout Early Adolescent Visits. Your Growing and Changing Child • Talk with your child about how her body is changing with puberty. • Encourage your child to brush his teeth twice a day and floss once a day. • Help your child get to the dentist twice a Bright Futures Parent Handout 15 to 17 Year Visits Here are some suggestions from Bright Futures experts that may be of value to your family. Your Name Today’s Date Your Age Your Sex (circle one): M F Your Grade (in school) Your Growing and Changing Body: Physical Growth and Development

23 Oct 2018 Bright Futures Handout 2018-2019. We are a non-profit charitable organization run by a volunteer board of parents. Parent participation  Bright Futures Parent Handouts: Newborn Visit handout · One Month Visit handout · Two Month Visit handout · Four Month Visit handout · Six Month Visit  The following PowerPoint Presentations are available for your use and customization when making presentations about Bright Futures. These slides can be used for training and education purposes in workshops, training programs, community health settings, or any setting when you need to introduce to your audience the core concepts and content of the Bright Futures Guidelines, 4th Edition. Healthy Futures, Bright Futures Videos can be viewed by age and life stage, theme, or health visit and cover all major Bright Future topics. For example, families can find videos on early childhood toilet training, sleep routines, and promoting good mental health in adolescence. The Bright Futures initiative is supported by a variety of materials, including detailed guidelines, questionnaires, and assessments, to assist with implementing recommendations in Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 4th Edition.All materials are useful to a wide range of audiences: